
Friday 22 April 2016

Round 27, floating along

I did my best to keep my expectations in check.  At the same time I tried to be open minded and flexible while being true to myself.  I knew what I wanted and I wasn't going to settle.  As they say in French, "Il vaut mieux ĂȘtre seul que mal accompagnĂ©."  Sounds better in French, but I'll translate, "Better to be alone than in bad company."

On to Round 27!  OMG, I hit the 50 mark.  How depressing!  If I add all of these guys to the others prior to my reprieve I'm very close to 100.  Although I didn't meet all of them, it was hard not to feel like a failure.  On a positive note, articles claimed you had to meet 100 or more potential suitors before finding "the one."  If I took away all the men I never met, my numbers were still within the norm so it shouldn't be too much longer.  At least I hoped it wouldn't be! 

50. Mr. Photography
He was 53, divorced with no children.  He was tall with medium brown hair and blue eyes.  His profile said he was an accountant.  Photography was a hobby.  He travelled extensively and spent a lot of time in the US.  His profile was well written.

I had sent him an introductory email weeks prior, but he had been away.  We emailed for a bit then moved to the phone.  It was weeks before he agreed to meet, but only after I told him I was going to stop all communication because I wasn't looking for a pen pal. 

Surprise, surprise, he didn't look anything like his picture.  I guess his hobby helped him Photoshop his pictures to make himself look better.  He certainly wasn't tall and there was a lot of hair missing.  Everything he had told me about his job and the company he worked for didn't check out either.  It was all a complex web of lies that even he couldn't keep track of.  I wished him luck with his search.  He continued to text occasionally, but I ignored them.  One night out of the blue he sent a text, "Yo, wasup?"  Are you kidding me?  I was beyond insulted.  My response:

Dear Mr. Photography,  I don't do "Yo, wasup." This demonstrates a complete lack of class on your part.  Effective immediately, refrain from any further communication. 

51. Mr. Goth
He was 39, tall with dark hair and blue eyes.   He was single, never married with no kids.  There was very little in his profile.  Under job is just said "have one."

He wrote saying he liked my profile, he found it entertaining and very different from others he had read.  He used text lingo which I found extremely annoying.  For me if you can't write in full sentences or write words out in full, you're done.  Add to that the fact that he was a chain smoker and liked to drink - he was doomed.  Not sure how he managed to write to me because I had excluded smokers.  He refused to say what he did for work, other than he only did it part-time because he had to explore his artistic side.   A fancy way of saying he was unemployed.

I wrote and told him I didn't think we were a match.  For me smoking is a deal breaker.  He was annoyed and said he had hoped we could at least be friends.  I was amused and decided to play along.  I told him we should meet for a drink.  I chose a location, said I'd be there in a half hour.  He responded he'd need more time because he didn't have a car and would have to take the bus.  Gee, and according to the profile he had a car!  I wished him luck with his search and said good bye!  

I'll never understand why men have to lie.  Sooner or later the truth always comes out!

52. The Economist
He was 53, divorced with 2 grown children.  He was the same height as me with white hair and dark eyes.  He worked for the feds.  His profile was longer than average and well written.

He sent a very long and well written introductory email.  He said he loved my profile, it made him laugh.  He felt I was honest and to the point which was hard to find.  He wasn't tall, but would be willing to wear platforms if that would score him a date with me.  Since he hung out with his son's friends and had been dating a 30 year old, that made him very young at heart.  Really? 

We moved to texting and then he called.  We had great conversations, but I hated the fact that he was constantly name dropping and assigning values to everything.  He had a nasty divorce and it sounded like there were many outstanding issues regarding their assets.   It was all about designer labels and luxury cars, I told him I wasn't interested.  Perhaps a 20 something year old would be impressed, I wasn't.  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.  It's overrated.  Money and toys don't buy happiness.  He toned it down and asked me to meet him for lunch, said I should give him a chance as it's always nice to make new friends.

I agreed.  It was his birthday so I picked up a cake. When he arrived he looked much older than his picture and most definitely wasn't 5'7.  I was also disappointed that he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.  So much for all this talk about designer everything, it was like he made no effort whatsoever.  

During lunch, he talked about all the popular people he knew and how much money they made.  I got fed up and told him how I had met Will and Kate and most recently Princess Anne.  I think he got the message loud and clear.  He was surprised when the cake arrived and thanked me.  We finished eating and I said I had to go.  He insisted on walking me to my car.  I told him it wasn't necessary he could stay with his friends, he knew the owners or at least pretended to.  He followed me out and tried to be all touchy feely.  That doesn't go over very well with me.  I arrived at my truck and he looked unimpressed.  He said a beautiful lady shouldn't be driving such a rough looking vehicle.  Ok, he was done!  Then he tried to kiss me, I think not and turned my face.  He was not happy.  Needless to say I didn't hear from him again. 

Kind of hard to stay positive after a bad streak.  Again the level of dishonesty blows my mind.  Do men truly believe we won't notice everything they've lied about?  Money and labels aren't going to impress me either.  These guys need a reality check.  Seemed like some of these older guys were going through another mid-life crisis! 

Time to change my profile.  Yes, I'm angry and tired of men wasting my time.  I had to send a clear message that I wasn't interested in playing games.  Not sure it would change anything, but I had to try.  Wish me luck, I need all the help I can get!

Dateless in Ottawa

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