
Monday 24 September 2018

Do men not know their date of birth when creating their online dating profile?

What is up with men lying about their age?  I think I've come across 10 profiles in a row of men who posted the wrong age.  Most younger and two actually older.  Then they state in their profile that they are really whatever age and don't know why they can't change the date.  Really?  Cause maybe you entered it incorrectly on purpose?  The site clearly states there's a time limit for making changes or corrections.  Obviously you chose not to fix it so you'd appear in searches you would otherwise be excluded from!  Heck the easy solution is to delete the erroneous profile and create a new one, but I guess that would be too complicated and too much work for most.  Lying is so much easier.  Mistakes can be made as none of us are perfect, so for some we have to give them the benefit of the doubt, but really?  We're adults, let's stop with the deception and games.  When creating your profile, if you are unsure of your date of birth, refer to your birth certificate, driver's license or passport.  If that fails, call your Mom as I'm quite certain she'll remember or for those men who are married, ask your wife!

I laugh at profiles where men admit they purposely entered the wrong date because they are interested in older or younger women and want to ensure they appear in their searches.  Fessing up and admitting you lied about your age on your online dating profile is all fine and well, but it doesn't make it right nor will is score you brownie points.  Already you've demonstrated you're dishonest, what else are you lying about? 

We all have our preferences.  If I state in my profile that my acceptable age range is 40-50. I expect the men appearing in my matches to fall within this age range.  I don't care what your excuse is, if you fall outside of this range I'm not interested. 

Looks like I may have to start asking the men I date for a piece of valid government identification to confirm their age.  Sometimes just by looking at the picture it is blatantly obvious they are far older or younger than the age stated on the profile.  Hilarious when you ask a guy his age and it doesn't match the details on the profile.

Guy: "Oh is that what is written on the profile?  Must be a system error, I'll have to figure out how to fix it."

System error???  Sure cause you didn't know the age showing on your profile????  Whatever.

Yes, some of us are blessed with genes that makes us look younger while others don't age quite as gracefully.  Sooner or later the truth comes out, so why lie and play games?  Be proud of where you are in life and how much you've accomplished.  Respect yourself and others.  Life isn't always fair, but much like you have your preferences, so do others. 

Some would argue that age is just a number.  For the most part I agree, but when you look at the big picture, age can significantly impact a relationship.  The topic of age is far more complex than a simple number.  It's not to say it doesn't work for some, but in general from my experience it doesn't work.  Large age differences become more apparent the older we get.

Many factors can impact a relationship when we're talking about age:
1. Stage in life
- career
newly in the work force, close to retirement, retired, entry level, promotions, travel, shift work, hours, over time, career goals, education, unemployed
- finances
high debt, no debt, mortgage, credit cards, lines of credit, savings, investments, financial goals, social class
- children
number of children, ages, educational needs, health needs, basic necessities, extra curricular activities, joint custody, special needs, behavioral issues
- flexibility and adaptability
common interests, personal interests, personal needs, willingness to try new things, ability/desire to relocate
- health
overall health, medication, physical fitness, mental health, special needs, accommodations, limitations, abilities, strengths

2. Religion, beliefs and customs
values, cultural differences, religious customs, traditions, ceremonies, family customs/beliefs, morals, habits

3. Life experiences
- travel
- education
- work/career
- accomplishments

4. Whether or not you have children
- Do you understand a child will always come first?  Blood is thicker than water regardless of age.
- There are greater financial responsibilities attached to having children. 
- When someone doesn't have children they many not understand that they will not come first. A parent puts the needs of their child first.  The younger the child or children, the greater the dependency and amount of time they require from their parent(s).

5. Personal preferences
- life style
- interests
- habits
- personality

6. Social environment
- family
- friends
- colleagues
- team mates
- social circles

It's complicated.  Have fun, but be honest.  Pretending to be something or someone you're not will eventually blow up in your face. 

I'm warming you up for the wonderful men of Round 35.  Brace yourselves!
Dateless in Ottawa

Sunday 9 September 2018

Why do men create online dating profiles if they have no intention of dating???

Before I initiate you to my Round 35 of Online Dating, I need some clarification.  If you have an online dating profile, does it not imply you want to date?  The correct answer should be yes and if so,  does dating not further imply you would expect to meet potential candidates in person?  Consider this a bit of a sneak peak of the challenges I'll be dealing with in Round 35. 

When creating your online profile, if you choose any of the following categories as your intent:
Looking to find someone to marry

- perhaps you weren't aware, but it implies you are wanting to meet someone.  Allow me to explain further with the help of definitions.

According to Wikipedia:
Dating - is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship or marriage. It is a form of courtship, consisting of social activities done by the couple, either alone or with others.

"Meet Socially" as in meet in person in a social setting.  The options are endless, but the most common seems to be to meet for coffee or drinks.

According to the Urban Dictionary:
Hangout  - Less serious than getting together or dating. Spending time with someone in the context of friendship or in the context of casually exploring whether you like someone as just a friend or maybe more than a friend.

According to the Oxford Dictionary:
Friends - a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.

According to the Collins Dictionary:
Relationship (note: in the context of dating) - A relationship is a close friendship between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual feelings.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary:
Marriage - the relationship that exists between a husband and a wife. : a similar relationship between people of the same sex. : a ceremony in which two people are married to each other.

According to the Free Dictionary:
To get married - take in marriage, get hitched with, hook up with,  marry, wed, conjoin, espouse, unite, unify - act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief.

Based on the above definitions, I think it is blatantly obvious that one should assume they will be meeting people in the hopes of developing one of the above types of relationships if they choose to use online dating.  Until such time as the category of "Pen Pal" is added, you should be prepared, able, willing and expecting to meet people in person.  Hell, I'll take it a step further.  With so many men using online dating for sex, it's kind of hard to have sex if you don't meet a woman in person.  If all you're looking for is cybering or phone sex, there are all kinds of toll free numbers and other websites for that.

Online dating has certainly provided me with all kinds of knowledge I would not have acquired otherwise.  At times there are many things I'd rather not know, but whatever.  The terminology alone....I feel like I can't keep track!  Cybering???  I had no idea what that was.  Then there's all the different fetishes and sexual terms.  Just when you thought you knew it all....Not!!!Must be my strict Catholic upbringing and Catholic School that shielded me from all of these crazy and out there trends or whatever you want to call them.  Has normal become extinct?  Can anyone tell me what normal is?  I feel like I'm a dinosaur or something.  So much for 40 being the new 20!

It's all good, live and let live.  If you're happy, that's all that matters.  Eventually we'll all find what we're looking for, or at least I hope so.  Don't give up and always look for the positive side no matter how bad something seems.

At the end of the day everyone, if you're going to use online dating, be prepare to meet people.  If this is not of any interest to you, then stop wasting other people's time.  Nothing more annoying than  endless emails and texts with individuals that have no intention of meeting.  They must be bored or have nothing better to do than sit in front of their computers and type away.  Even the suggestion to talk on the phone is unappealing, the minute you bring it up they disappear!  Then there's those that make dates then cancel at the last minute.  I can't believe how often guys get sick, have headaches or they fell asleep.  Those that are supposedly sick must not recover cause I don't hear from them again. 

Don't allow people to waste your time.  If by the second week of emailing and/or texting a guy hasn't suggested meeting, I bring it up.  If he doesn't make plans, I'm done.  No doubt some guys might fall off their chair when I suggest it so quickly, but seriously we're not in kindergarden.  Apparently many women can go months without agreeing to meet and from my experience, men can be worse.  Yes, safety first, that's what Tim Horton's or a host of other coffee shops are good for.  Stop making excuses.  I'm not online to juggle dozens of men or serial date and if all I wanted to do was email and text, I may as well write a book!  If you're serious, the only way to determine compatibility and chemistry is to meet in person.  You'll know after the first date or definitely after the second whether or not there's potential.

Ok folks, get offline and date dammit!!!
Dateless in Ottawa

Thursday 6 September 2018

Sabatical over, time for Round 35 of Online Dating!

After a few months of endless travel and long hours at work, I decided that eventually I'd have to go back to online dating.  I can't complain about being alone if I'm not willing to put in the effort to find someone.  Prince Charming isn't going to fall into my lap.  He's going to need some convincing and perhaps an invitation.  Maybe he's lost and needs directions, who knows?  I'd do it gradually and take it slow.  My ego was still pretty bruised.  While away on travel I'd log into my account occasionally just to view profiles and I'd add the ones that I thought had potential to my favourites list.  When work slowed down I'd dive in a bit more seriously and write to those that had the most in common with me based on their profile and what I was looking for. 

My profile would stay hidden, I wasn't ready to deal with emails just yet.  I gave my profile a once over and made some minor changes.  A friend provided feedback and I agreed with his recommendations to "Keep it simple".  One day at a time, there was no rush. 

Funny how you can be a consummate planner and plan things to the nth degree, but nothing ever seems to turns out the way you expect.  That's the story of our lives!  Definitely the case for me.

Stay tuned for another interesting round.  At least I can honestly say my life is anything but boring.  One day I'll look back on all of this and laugh.  For now, I'll live it and keep my readers entertained.

Wish me luck!
Dateless in Ottawa

Saturday 1 September 2018

The end of Round 34

Not surprising that I was feeling like online dating was getting the better of me.  I was discouraged, tired and so dispirited.  By the same token, my parents always taught us that nothing worth having comes easy so I pushed myself to venture on.  I'm very stubborn and determined.  I don't give up easily.  I succeed in all other areas of life, dammit why is dating so freaking difficult???

The last experience of Round 34:

7. The French Engineer
A message had appeared in my inbox that someone had added me as a favourite.  He was the same age as me, 6', divorced, had hazel eyes and a shaved head with a goatee.  His profile pictures were ok, he looked overweight and a bit frumpy.  A couple of pictures were from trips abroad to Asia so it was obvious he's travelled.  There were also a few of him enjoying food at different restaurants.  Our interests were similar.  It said he was an engineer.  The profile said he had children.  It was nice that he also lived in the same city as me which is very rare.

I emailed him and touched on a few things from his profile.  I also noted that I had yet to visit China so I was a little envious.  He replied immediately.

We emailed for a bit then moved to texting.  He was a great writer and had a great sense of humour.  Soon after he suggested talking on the phone to plan a date.  He had a great voice and a cute French accent. We texted and spoke regularly in English and French and finally planned a date.  He often worked late so he suggested drinks in the market one night. 

When I walked into the restaurant he was waiting for me at the entrance.  I almost fell over when I saw him.  OMG, he was gorgeous.  He looked way better than his picture.  Some people are just not photogenic, this was confirmed when he sent me a picture a few days later of him in his tacky plaid day costume.  He was also taller which is not usually the case.  He had to be at least 6'3" and dressed really well.  We both ordered martinis and had a great conversation.  He was originally from Montreal, but had worked all over the US and had travelled to Europe and Asia on business. 

I was thrilled to learn he had a 6-year old son.  This was perfect, I have a 6-year old daughter.  He'd totally understand that parenting responsibilities come first.  Sadly he explained his son was autistic and didn't speak at all.  There were many challenges and it was difficult.  He had joint custody of his son with his ex and that relationship was not very good.  Sounded like they were not on the same page with parenting styles and didn't agree on activities their son should participate in. 

We both enjoyed fine dining, travel and movies.  Languages was another passion.  He asked me what language I wanted to learn next and when I said Russian, I was shocked to learn he spoke it fluently.  I'd have a teacher and he wanted to learn Spanish.  In his case he didn't go out when he had his son and made it clear that this would not change as his son had special needs and he made the most of the time he had with him.  Travel was a challenge and he now avoided work related trips because he hated being away from his son.  We talked about my kids, our jobs, family and current events.  The converstation flowed freely and we laughed throughout.  At the end he gave me a hug and kissed me on both cheeks.  I was disappointed he didn't offer to walk me to my car, but whatever.

I wasn't sure how he felt about me after the first date, but he texted that night to thank me for joining him and then again first thing the next morning.  Then we made plans to go out again the following week as he had his son for the weekend and was going to Montreal to visit his parents.

We talked and texted daily and he was more often than not the initiator.  I really enjoyed talking to him and things seemed to be going well.  One night while we were talking my youngest walked in on me babbling away as usual.  I told her Mommy was on the phone, I'd come see her afterwards.  The phone was dead on the other end.  He finally spoke and I could tell he was upset.  He said, "She's so cute, I wish my son could speak.  I've never heard him say I love you Dad."  It broke my heart.  I can't imagine and didn't know how to respond. 

Later that week he was really excited one night and called me.  His son had spoken!  During dinner he said, "Yogurt please."  OMG, he could speak he just refused to.  We went out again and met at the casino for drinks.  I don't know where the time went.  We arrived at 7:00 pm and all of a sudden it was 1:00 am and we both had to work in the morning.  He walked me to my truck, I was thrilled!  Then I drove him to his car.  He was a perfect gentleman, I wish he would have kissed me but oh well all in time.  We made plans for the next several weeks.

One of the weeks he was going to make me dinner when I got back from a business trip and we planned our regular date night.  I'd make dinner the following week and we'd go to his cottage afterwards.  It was great that we lived so close to each other.  I went on my business trip to Toronto.  Sadly that week there was the incident with the van that killed 10 pedestrians.  I was working not too far away.  All day people were trying to reach me, but work was insane and I had turned off my cell phone.  My colleagues and I had no idea what was going on outside until later that afternoon.  Suddenly we couldn't leave the building where we were working.  There was police everywhere.  My Dad was watching my kids and trying to call me and finally got through.  I was horrified when I learned what had happened.  We had not been told to avoid panic. 

Well, that incident did not sit well with my date.  He was extremely upset and said this was a perfect example of how business travel is not good when we have kids.  We texted into the night, he wanted to make sure I got back to the hotel safely and then that was it.  I never heard from him again.  No more texts, no more phone calls.  I knew he had a huge deadline that week and there were major design flaws with the prototype he was working on so I figured he was just busy working on it to meet the deadline.  A week later, still no word and he wasn't responding to any of my texts or voice messages.  I was beyond disappointed.  I left a message letting him know I was worried and if he needed anything to feel free to reach out anytime. 

For a change things had appeared to be taking a turn for the better with online dating, then just as quickly and unexpectedly as it began, he disappears!  He seemed so genuine, we got along and had made plans for weeks in advance.  How could this happen?  Why didn't he respond?

I waited a couple of weeks and figured that was it.  I hadn't been on POF in almost 2 months since we started dating.  Low and behold the moment I logged in his profile was the first to appear. He had updated his profile and added new pictures.  I was so upset.  What a slap in the face.  If my travel was an issue or he had met someone else, fine just say so.  A grown adult and he doesn't have the balls to be honest?  Even more disappointing when the individual is well educated and a professional. 

That was the straw that broke the camel's back.  I couldn't do this any more.  Time for a break, Round 34 was officially over and sadly not because I'd finally found a man.  Thankfully there was a lot more travel coming up for work so I'd be too busy to date anyways.  Not sure when or if I'll come back, this really hit me hard.  I tried not to allow myself to get too excited, but after 2 months and all the plans we'd made things looked optimistic.  How can one not get excited and stop looking?  I've always been a one guy at a time type of gal, I'm not interested in juggling or playing games.  I already have a full-time job and overbooked schedule, I don't have time to waste.  He came across so sincere and honest.

It's the age old question....WHY?  Obviously I'll never know the answer.  Just very cowardly of a guy to cut off all communication cold turkey and jump right back onto POF.  Did he not think I'd see his profile?  Or wait, was that intentional because he didn't have the balls to tell me he was no longer interested?  Hell at this point, just text if you can't tell a person on the phone or in person.  But I guess that would be too much work.  I'll leave it to Karma. 

Off to heal my bruised ego.  Good luck!
Dateless in Ottawa