
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Round 22

Round 22?  All of these disappointments are going to drive me to drink!  Then again, maybe if I'm drunk I won't take all this crap so personally.  Several of my close girl friends found their husbands on POF, why can't I do the same?  What am I missing?  I believe I'm far more open minded and flexible than most, yet I'm still not getting anywhere.  My ego and self esteem have suffered a major beating, on second thought, make that aggravated assault!  These men should be charged with a criminal offense.  Ok, maybe a  bit of a stretch, but being a public servant I can write a justification to support just about anything!  Lol  Giving up now would leave me feeling like a quitter.  I had to try to stay positive and keep on going.

Here goes nothing!  Round 22:

33. The Overseas Engineer
He was tall with blond hair and blue eyes.  Totally not what usually attracts me.  What stood out on his profile was that he was widowed, if nothing else he'd understand what I had gone through.  He had a grown daughter and worked as an engineer, at least that's what he said.  Travel, fine dinning and music were amoung his interests.  He had a mixed European background and lived in Montreal.

His introductory email was very flattering.  He was an excellent writer.  The Greek in him made him very charming.  We moved from email to text then he called.  He had a great accent.  I enjoyed talking to him, but my gut told me something was off.  I only had to ask him 5 times what his name was, then he couldn't remember what his wife died of or when.  Are you kidding me?  There were too many inconsistencies.  All of a sudden he was off to the UK for a project, but said he'd be back for Christmas and he'd come visit.  There were delays and then the building was damaged so he said he'd be gone another week.  At this point I could tell he was full of shit.  A colleague mentioned she had met a gentleman working as an engineer in Asia and all of sudden he called her asking if she could send him money because he lost his wallet.  Great!  I was ready.

Sure enough, all of a sudden the bank had frozen his account due to the very large cheque he received in payment of his contract and he couldn't buy a plane ticket to come home.  Like he wouldn't have other accounts and credit cards.  I had fun aggravating him, no matter what excuse he came up with,  I had an answer.  Then when I logged into POF to check his profile, guess what?  He now lived in North Vancouver and the profile was changed slightly.  I called him on it and he tried to turn it around.  Said I had no business on POF if we were involved.  Involved - WTF?  News to me I hadn't even met him face-to-face.  I immediately reminded him he had told me he deleted his profile because he found his future wife.  Then he tried to tell me he gave his profile to a friend.  Sure, like I was born yesterday and his friend is his identical twin only living in North Vancouver???  OMG!  What a piece of work.  Sad that some women would fall for this shit.  NEXXXT!

34. The Fitness Trainer
He was tall, with dark hair and dark eyes.  The profile said he was single with no children and looking to date, but nothing serious.  I could tell from the profile English was not his first language.  He sent a nice email, it was short and sweet.  Soon after we starting texting then we talked on the phone.

He was new in Canada from Italy.  When we spoke I learned he had a daughter.  First red flag!  The profile said no children so I questioned him.  As far as he was concerned since she didn't live with him it didn't count as having a child.  What?  Interesting concept.  Unreal! 

He was working as a personal trainer for someone I knew quite well.  He didn't like this, it seemed to make him uncomfortable.  I only told him this after he started sending inappropriate texts.  Ultimately all he was looking for was sex.  Surprise, surprise!  I think he was worried I'd talk to his boss and tell him as chances were he was playing similar games with his female clients at the gym.  Oh well, good luck with that!

35. The Travel Consultant
He was average height with dark hair and dark eyes.  He was divorced with no children.  Movies, travel and music were amoung his passions.  He had a great smile in his profile picture.

He sent a very nice introductory email.  He was a good writer and seemed to have a great sense of humour.  He soon asked if he could call. We talked for a bit and he was funny.  He asked me out to dinner and I accepted.  That night I performed my stealth height test.  The profile said he was 5'11 so I wore 4" heel so that I would be 5'11.  When I arrived, I spotted him right away.  He looked identical to his picture, except I was looking down at him.  He said I looked way better than my picture, he was very pleased.  We had a nice time and he asked me what I thought of him.  I was honest.  I told him he looked just like his picture, but he was lacking in height.  He blushed and tried to argue.  I showed him my heels and said nope, nice try!  Now he knew how women verified height.

I let it go, only one red flag.  When we were leaving, I told him to guess what vehicle I was driving.  There weren't many cars left.  Of course he picked every small car then all that was left was my truck.

Him: "That's not your truck is it?"  With a look of disgust on his face.

Me: "As a matter of fact it is."

Him: "You're going to get rid of it right?  You don't need to drive a vehicle that size."

He we go again, another guy trying to get rid of my truck!  What gives?  That's two red flags!  We went out a couple more times.  I told myself I was being too harsh and had to give guys a chance.  My mind didn't change.  The fact that he often talked about his ex-wife, who was a model, how gorgeous she was and her rich family made it harder to sway me.  He insisted on taking me shopping in the hopes he could change my mind.  I'm sure there's women out there that would have jumped at that opportunity, but that isn't me.  I wished him luck with his search.  A few weeks later he emailed again hoping I'd had a change of heart, but I didn't.  I laughed because he changed his height on the profile to 5'9!  When I decide I'm done, there's no going back.

36. Construction Guy
He was 52, divorced with grown children and a grandchild.  He was average height with dark hair and blue eyes.  His profile was short and simple.  It said he worked in construction. 

He sent a nice email and we moved to the phone very quickly.  He asked if I would meet him for coffee and I agreed.  We had a good conversation and he asked me to define chivalry and women's expectations.  It was fun and I told him I'd test him when we met.  He confided that he was a recovering alcoholic so didn't drink.  I was shocked when he chose a pub for our first meeting, so much for coffee, and at 6:00?  Oh well, I'm flexible. 

I arrived first and waited outside.  I spotted him immediately and was very disappointed.  He was in his work clothes and steel toes.  You're meeting someone for the first time and you couldn't go home and change?  Really? 

We went in and he said we should order a bite to eat.  It was extremely loud in there, not at all a place I would have chosen.  The conversation was forced and didn't flow at all.  He mentioned he had added me to his Facebook and we had a common friend.  I then realized I knew his sister and brother-in-law very well too.  Extremely disappointing that he would not make more of an effort for a first meeting especially knowing we have friends in common.  Then he told me we should get separate bills.  What?  "I think not, you asked me out and according to the rules of chivalry the man pays."  We left and he walked me to my truck.  I thanked him and wished him a good night.

When I got home I called a girl friend and told her about my night.  Turns out she knew him too.  She told me to log into Facebook and check out his profile.  OMG, his status was "In a relationship." Unf---ing believable!  Why would you friend a woman on Facebook that you may potentially date when it clearly states you are in a relationship?  Are you kidding me?  My girl friend knew he was living with someone, but didn't want to say anything.  Definitely not very smart, then he texts and says obviously he failed miserably.  Gee, what brought you to that conclusion?  I wished him luck and said good bye!

Ok, time to revisit the profile.  I think it's going to become harsh and bitchy sounding, but I'm fed up with all of these games.  If you're just looking for sex, not single or over your ex, stay away!

Wish me luck, I need it badly!

Dateless in Ottawa

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