
Monday 5 September 2016

Mr. Blind Date finally makes contact!

After about a week, Mr. Blind date finally made contact.  He sent a friend request on FB and I accepted.  Soon after he started sending messages and pictures, unfortunately I couldn't open them on my wireless device and when I did there was nothing there.  I was confused wondering why he was sending me blank messages.  Leave it to me the IT challenged individual.  No surprise that I didn't even think to log into my laptop.  I don't get many messages on FB so I only browse occassionally on my device.  Once again, I fail to understand why people can't call or at the very least text.  He had my number.  Why send pictures through FB?  At least email.  Don't people talk anymore?  I felt really bad when I logged into my FB account and low and behold, there were all the pictures he had been sending.  There were flowers and some really nice sayings.  He was probably thinking, "What's up with this chick, here I am trying to be romantic and she's not responding???"  I wrote to him and apologized.  I explained how IT challenged I am and that texting or calling would be way better for me.  Technology is not my forte.  I'm the old fashioned, talking on the phone or meeting in person kind of gal.  Thankfully he thought that was hilarious.

We finally started texting.  He said he really liked me and we should get together soon.  He had plans for the weekend so we'd touch base early next week.  I received several texts over the weekend and we agreed to meet up Tuesday night for drinks after dinner.  I was excited.  He was a really fun guy so even if it didn't progress any further than friendship, he'd make a great friend.  The fact that he didn't live too far from me was a bonus with both of us having the kids at home. 

Tuesday arrived and as promised, he called me when he got home from work.  Sadly he sounded horrible.  His voice was raspy and kept breaking up.  It was obvious he was sick.

Him: "I'm really, really sorry but I'm having a really bad allergy attack.  I've been sick like this all day.  I went to the pharmacy to get allergy meds, but they aren't working.  I feel horrible cancelling on you last minute, but can we go out on Thursday night instead?"

Me: "You sound terrible.  Stay home and relax, Thursday works for me."

Him: "I swear I'm not brushing you off, I really do want to see you again.  I had a great time at the concert and I think we'd be a good match.  I feel like a jerk, but I wouldn't be any fun tonight."

Me: "I completely understand, don't worry.  I appreciate you being honest and not wanting to share your germs.  It's all good, we'll meet up on Thursday."

Him: "By the way, I'm having some financial issues so can we meet somewhere and just go for a walk?"

I paused for a second.  This was not what I expected to hear, but hey we all have our financial constraints and bonus to him for being honest.  Coffee wouldn't set a person back that much, but whatever.  Best to get out and enjoy the Summer while it lasts.  Lac Leamy would be a really nice setting to sit and talk and maybe wade in the water.

Me: "Ok, that's fine.  Why don't we meet at Lac Leamy and take a walk around the lake?"

Him: "Lac Leamy?  That's a bit far.  I thought you lived closer to me."

Me: "I'm just across the bridge from you.  We could go somewhere else, you decide I'm flexible.  Give me a shout when you get home from work and we'll go from there."

Him: "Yeah, ok.  Have a great night and we'll talk soon.  Thanks for understanding I really appreciate it."

He couldn't afford coffee and now I live too far away???  This wasn't leaving me with a very fuzzy feeling.  I finally meet someone that on the surface seemed to be a reasonably good match and lived close by, but by the end of the conversation most hope had quickly dissipated. 

He sent me a long email the following day.  Once again he apologized profusely for cancelling at the last minute.  He went on to say he truly felt a connection and wanted to get to know me better so we could build a solid relationship.  In the past he had made some bad choices, but I seemed like a really nice girl and he didn't want to mess it up.  He was looking forward to Thursday night and decided we should meet for dinner.  We could decide together where to go.  No matter what we decided, he had no doubt we'd have lots of fun.  Start with friendship and go from there.

He redeemed himself!  Lol  The email left me feeling really positive.  I responded and thanked him for his email.  Thursday night would definitely be fun.  We'd talk after work and make plans.

I called my girl friend to tell her the news and she was thrilled.  She filled her hubby in and he'd follow up with him after the date to see what he thought.  They also wanted to plan a BBQ at their place, but I told them to wait a bit.

Off I went to get a pedicure, had to look good for my date!

Dateless in Ottawa

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